Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Be a Voice for Darfur

Amidst all the troubles of the world, little attention has been paid to an enduring tragedy that should darken the conscience of every world citizen: the continuing genocide in Darfur. While President Bush paid lip service to this terrible humanitarian disaster, he did little more than help manage the problem. Without effective American leadership, the people of Darfur continue to suffer and die by the thousands.

I was recently reminded that the appalling genocide in Darfur continues – now in its sixth year and at the price of nearly half a million lives. Ironically, December 9th marks the 60th anniversary of the United Nations’ Genocide Convention, and Darfuri people are still suffering and struggling to survive. As the Obama administration ushers in a new era of foreign policy, this nation has an opportunity – an obligation – to aid our global neighbors in Darfur. You, an influential voice, can play a pivotal role in making this happen.

During his campaign, President-elect Barack Obama promised to change Washington's approach to this crisis. He pledged his "unstinting resolve" to end the genocide in Darfur. Now that his national security team has been named, it is time for us, the American people, to hold him to his word.

Save Darfur, has launched a new initiative, Add Your Voice, to launch a postcard campaign that will organize at least a million people to send a letter to Barack Obama reminding him of his promise, and urging him to take immediate action upon taking office in January. By going to their website, you can sign on to be one of the million people whose postcards will be delivered -- along with a clear outline for what needs to be done in Darfur -- to the new president.

In addition, Facebook Causes and Save Darfur just launched their new petition application for the campaign. The new Facebook petition will be a gamechanger for cause-based social media marketing. If you’re already using Facebook Causes, you can access and sign the petition now, by going to http://apps.facebook.com/causes/72?m=618c3fb4&recruiter_id=6746654. (As an incentive, Save Darfur is offering a free t-shirt to anyone who recruits 100 signatures.)

Below, you can find a video statement from Barack Obama about this Darfur effort. I kindly ask that you to take a few minutes to add your voice to this important effort.

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